Jimmy Vi


Campaign — Creative Director, 2021

This campaign follows an intimate lens on four protagonists across Toronto. Through these four narratives, we have a diverse palette of different dimensions of individuals - celebrating their journey with sports. We follow these athletes in their stories of personal change to changing the world around them. By having an open conversation with these athletes, we aim to find a narrative that isn't typically explored through sports. A unique story that is defined by the diverse tapestry of dimensions from each individual. We intentionally paired each athlete with a director of similar cultural background to facilitate a comfortable space for each individual to share their authentic experiences. Sports have played a huge part in their personal growth and the community around them. Play New poses the depth of these questions, "How does sport change you?" and "How do you change the World?”

Konatsu Yamasa

Lesley Hampton

Jordan Sook

Kadeisha Buchanan

Jennifer Lau


Creative Director: Jimmy Vi
Directors: Kevin Lien (Konatsu Yamasa), Jimmy Vi (Jenn Lau),  Jon Elliott (Lesley Hampton), Kelly Fyffee-Marshall (Kadeisha Buchanan), Zamour Johnson (Jordan Sook)
DP: Alim Sabir (Konatsu Yamasa, Jenn Lau, Lesley Hampton),  Ashley Iris Gill (Kadeisha Buchanan) Justin Manabat (Jordan Sook)

Production: Mad Ruk
Creative EP: Rey Mendoza
Head of Development: Abby Albino
Director of Development: Damien O’Neill
Production & Post Superviser: Meika Wagner (Konatsu Yamasa, Jenn Lau, Lesley Hampton), Eric Thompson (Jordan Sook, Kadeisha Buchanan)

Talent: Jennifer Lau, Lesley Hampton, Kadeisha Buchanan, Jordan Sook
Producer: Jeff So (Konatsu Yamasa, Jenn Lau, Lesley Hampton), Sise Drummond & Mica Daniels (Jordan Sook)

Colour by Art Jail
Colourist: Kevin Wu

Music and Sound Design: Conrad Hendrickson
Location Sound: Conrad Hendrickson

Photographer: Luna Khods (Umair & Mau)
BTS: Phil Harris

I’m a Film and Creative Director based out of Toronto. I’ve worked with clients from Nike, Footlocker, Zeiss, Sony to independent artists and labels. My friends and I also support BIPOC creatives through an organization called ECRU.

Commercial Rep:

Let’s work together, email: jimmyvi@live.com

View all work.


Zeiss, The Circle
The White Squirrel, Nike
Lighten The Load

Nike, Play New (Jenn Lau)
Footlocker, The Reboot
Suburban Tea


Zeiss, The Circle
Nike, Play New

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